- The Structure of mRNA-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticles8. November 2024The research group of Prof. Unruh has recently published exciting results on the structural investigation of lipid nanoparticles in the journal ACS Nano, where the…
- Student Excursion to FRM II16. March 2023After 3 years of Corona lockdowns and social distancing, we could organize a student excursion again: the visit at the Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz,…
- 2 PostDocs (TVL E13)1. October 2021Im Rahmen der Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) Maßnahme wird das DAPHNE4NFDI (Daten für Photonen- und Neutronen-Experimente) Konsortium vom BMBF gefördert. Mit seiner umfassenden Expertise im Bereich…
- 2 PhD Positions18. December 2020The targeted development of modern catalysts is a key for solving the grand challenges of our society such as production of renewable energy, eco-friendly mobility,…
- Master Thesis: Manipulating nanostructures of materials-based organic solar cell9. November 2020A master thesis is offered which include preparation of materials-based solar cell for high performance organic photovoltaic devices by controlling material structure in solution, prior…