The targeted development of modern catalysts is a key for solving the grand challenges of our society such as production of renewable energy, eco-friendly mobility, sustainable energy storage. In this context we are looking for 2 PhD students (2/3 TVL E13) for studies on the picosecond dynamics of l...
A master thesis is offered which include preparation of materials-based solar cell for high performance organic photovoltaic devices by controlling material structure in solution, prior to the deposition step to a thin active organic layer. Manipulating nanoscale morphology of active materials and u...
The mechanism behind the stability of organic nanoparticles prepared by liquid anti-solvent precipitation (LAS) without specific stabilizing agent is poorly understood. Therefore, we mimicked the solid-liquid interface of a hydrophobic organic nanoparticle with an OTS coated silicon wafer and studie...
Für die Verstärkung der AG Nanomaterialcharakterisierung (Streumethoden) des Lehrstuhls für Kristallographie und Strukturphysik (LKS) der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) suchen wir eine/einen Doktorandin/en (TVL 3/4 E13) zur Untersuchung aktiver Schichten organischer Solarzel...
Real-time GIWAXS/GISAXS studies reveal details of the formation and post processing processes of active layers of bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells. In three recent publications deep insights into thin film structure formation is presented and the impact of GIWAXS and GISAXS methodologies for ...